We have years of experience in providing private hearing aids that can deliver the clearest speech clarity possible.
With up to 5 years warranty, we provide a longer term warranty period for your hearing aids compared to many other hearing companies.
Feel Clear Hearing is led by award-winning private hearing aid provider, Kareem Palmer. Fitting the latest hearing aid technology created by manufacturers: Oticon, Phonak, Resound, Rexton, Signia, Starkey, Widex and Unitron.
As an independent hearing aid provider we are not tied down to one particular hearing aid manufacturer. Therefore, we can provide you with the most discreet hearing aids in Nottingham at the most affordable price.
We provide free hearing aid trials before purchase, plus monthly payments to ensure your hearing aid is affordable for you!
Treat yourself to a clearer hearing solution and better quality of service.
Our current hearing aid cost per ear
(which includes hearing aid aftercare):
Premium Range Hearing Aids.
Oticon Intent 1 Rechargeable:
NEW Starkey Edge AI 24 Rechargeable:
Phonak Audeo Infinio Sphere i90:
Signia Silk Charge & Go 7IX:
Mid-Level Hearing Aids.
Starkey Edge AI 20R:
Widex Moment 220 Rechargeable
Unitron Vivante Moxi V3 R:
Entry-Level Hearing Aids.
Starkey Genesis AI 12R (New to market):
Starkey Evolv AI 1200:
For our complete range of hearing aid models, prices and further features book your initial hearing consultation here
Microsuction earwax removal services from a local clinic.
This hearing procedure uses a light suction to remove ear blockages of wax that may be impacting your hearing and unlike ear syringing is far less evasive to your ear(s).
We are one of few hearing clinics that show before and after images of the health of your ears, plus have years of experience in removing ear wax, gently and safely.
Our ear wax removal price also includes your hearing assessment at no extra cost:
In Clinic: £70
Home visits: £85
We also provide special discounts for regular clients.
Friendly in-person hearing tests for accurate results.
Are you struggling to get a hearing test through your GP, NHS or privately?
Contact us right away and be seen within a week.
Hearing Aids
We have years of experience delivering private hearing aids, with quality aftercare so you can gain the best results.
Providing quality custom hearings aids at a starting price of £800 per hearing aid.
This includes our follow-up care at no extra cost.
Ear Wax Removal
Our ear wax removal practitioner has years of experiencing in the safest way of removing ear wax.
We also provide proof of your ear wax removal by using a video otoscope whether in clinic or as a home visit!
Our cost: £70 total.
Only £15 extra for home visits!
Hearing Tests
We provide hearing tests that are comprehensive and conducted at an industry standard level to ensure accurate results.
Our prices for hearing tests begin at £25 with the option of having a full hearing consultation at £50 which contributes to our hearing aid clients purchase.
Whether a home visit or in clinic appointments, we offer high quality detailed hearing tests, using top of the range equipment to ensure the most accurate hearing test results possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
The benefits of an in-person clinic appointment for a hearing test versus an online hearing test include the accuracy and calibration of the equipment used.
In a clinic setting, the headphones, equipment, and test room are calibrated to ensure accurate decibel levels, which is important for programming hearing aids effectively. This accuracy can potentially lead to better hearing aid programming for specific frequencies, ultimately improving hearing in different environments.
In contrast, an online hearing test using headphones at home may only provide a rough estimate of hearing loss and lacks the precision and calibration of in-person testing.
The average person will wait up to nine months before they receive hearing aids for free through the NHS. Sometimes that can go up to a year.
The average waiting time for a hearing test with the NHS can take anywhere between, four to six weeks – sometimes up to a few months at the very least.
Whereas if you were to use a private hearing clinic, especially with Feel Clear Hearing, all clients are seen within a week. Even when it comes to ordering hearing aids privately, it takes a few days for the hearing aids to arrive. Sometimes we have them in stock for same day delivery.
If it's custom made hearing aids, that can take up to about two and a half weeks, but usually it's around a two week turnaround.
In a hearing test, the audiologist asks open questions to get to know the person's hearing health and lifestyle choices. They also ask clinical questions to ensure nothing is missed and to identify any referral conditions related to ear health or other detectable conditions.
During the test, the person is presented with a series of beeps and whistles at different frequencies through headphones and is required to press a button whenever they hear a sound.
Additionally, a bone conduction test is performed directly to their inner ear, along with speech tests to assess how well they hear individual words, especially in background noise.
The cost of a private hearing test can vary.
The average basic hearing check typically costs between £25 to £50, while more advanced tests can range from £30 to £150.
Currently, our full hearing consultation is provided at £50, which is waived upon the purchase of hearing aids.
Our Basic Hearing Checks which include an ear examination costs just £25.
No, you do not need a referral from your GP for a hearing test.
Some GPs may not refer to the NHS unless the individual has undergone a private hearing screening to check for hearing loss.
Referrals can cost the GP, so they may prefer not to refer someone to the NHS for a hearing test unless it's confirmed that there are hearing problems.
Someone with mild hearing loss may consider using hearing aids as long as two or more frequencies are below 25 decibels, typically around 30 to 35 decibels.
However, most people who have hearing loss beyond 35 to 40 decibels notice a difference with hearing aids.
The average cost of a hearing aid can vary widely, with prices ranging from as low as £200 online to as high as £6000 on the high street.
Currently, our starting price per hearing aid is £800 which includes follow-up care. We have found that hearing aids available cheaper than this price seem ineffective for most hearing loss clients.
The average consumer of private hearing aids tends to upgrade every four to five years.
That goes in line with the warranty standard for more premium and midrange hearing aids as this tends to be around a four to five-year warranty period.
Hearing aids can last as long as ten to 15 years.
It depends on the budget of the client and how they feel, and of course, the verified checks to see how the hearing aid is performing.